Member Testimonials


I keep coming back to Focus because although there is a competitive spirit, everyone helps each other to learn the techniques and improve. Hamza consistently encourages me to push myself to my limits whilst offering advice specific to my training needs. I would urge anyone who is considering training at Focus Jiu Jitsu to stop making excuses and get on it!


I highly recommend this gym as I have learned so much with the help of Hamza and my training partners. People close to me have commented how much fitter and happier I am looking since adding 2-3 sessions of Jiu Jitsu each week. The best part is it’s a lot of fun!


I've been training at Focus Jiu Jitsu since November 2021. It has always been a fun and friendly environment where everyone is focused on improving themselves and having a good time while doing so. You can tell Hamza really cares about his students’ learning and is always focused on helping everyone improve. The whole team really gets behind each other and shows great support anytime someone's competing. Whether you're just starting out or looking to continue your BJJ journey, I can't recommend Hamza and Focus Jiu Jitsu enough.