Q: What should I bring to my first class?

A: Wear comfortable clothing (track pants, t shirt, shorts etc), a towel if you intend to shower after training, a bottle of water and a positive attitude! 

Q: I'm _________, is Jiu Jitsu right for me?

A: Short answer, yes. We believe that anyone can learn and become proficient in Jiu Jitsu regardless of age, size, gender, strength or background. Slightly longer answer, you will only know for sure once you try it for yourself!

Q: Will BJJ improve my physical fitness, cardiovascular health and help me lose weight?

A: Absolutely! There are very few ways to workout which are as intense and burn as much calories as a Jiu Jitsu class. You will almost certainly feel your heart rate rise as you engage in drilling techniques and sparring, which will improve your fitness levels over time as you consistently train.

Q: Will I get hurt?

A: As with any physical activity, the slight risk of injury is always present. However, our staff are fully equipped to ensure that all members maintain safety protocols that minimise the risk of any injuries occurring. 

Q: Can I wear another teams uniform or patch to class?

A: Unlike some schools that enforce strict rules regarding what types of uniforms can be worn during class, we simply do not care and believe that an individuals character on the mat is much more important that what team colours they wear. Feel free to wear any type of Gi or Nogi training gear you like.

Q: Do you welcome visitors from other gyms?

A: We love to have people visit our academy from all around Australia and the world. This allows us to share our love of Jiu Jitsu with as many people as possible. Just make sure to contact us beforehand through email or phone so we can direct you to a session that suits you. All casual visits will incur a $20 casual fee which you can pay at reception.

Q: What is the basic etiquette while inside the academy?

  • Shoes OFF while on the mat, ON while off the mat.  
  • Make sure your uniform is clean when you attend class. Wash it after each and every class.
  • Respect your training partners. Respect your instructors.
  • Train to learn, not to win (save that for competition).
  • Tap early. Tap often. Leave your ego at the door.
  • Trim finger and toenails short

Q: How does the belt system work? How do I get promoted?

A: There are five adult belts in Brazilian Jiu Jitsu. White, Blue, Purple, Brown and Black. A black belt takes an average of ten years to achieve. Promotion criteria depends on a number of different factors. The most important thing is to train to the best of your ability and allow your instructor to promote you when you are ready.

Q: Can I view a class before getting started?

A: Yes. anyone is welcome to come view any class. If you would like to speak to the instructor please arrive 15 minutes early or wait until after the class is over.