
Gi Jiu Jitsu

This class will form your core understanding of the fundamentals of the art. All levels are welcome as the techniques taught in this class will apply from your very first day of training all the way to black belt. Structurally, the class will be broken down into three distinct sections which include:

1. Warming up through Jiu Jitsu specific movements and mobility exercises.

2. Technique instruction and partner drills to gain an understanding of how to apply techniques with control and efficiency.

3. Controlled sparring positional sparring to test newly acquired skills and hone reflexes.


Nogi Jiu Jitsu / Submission Grappling

This class will focus on techniques that apply when your opponent is not wearing a Gi. The basic structure will be the same as a Gi class with a greater emphasis placed on standing techniques including takedowns and other manoeuvres inspired by freestyle wrestling. Attendees are required wear a rashguard or t-shirt and shorts or spats.


Competition Class

Competition is a prominent aspect of modern Jiu Jitsu and it's expansion has led to hundreds of tournaments being held throughout the year in all parts of the world. This class will prepare you to enter competitive matches with a solid understanding of the rules, point systems and strategies associate with the sport. 

During this class you will also get an opportunity to spar with high intensity in order to test your limits against your training partners in a controlled environment. The skills acquired in competition training are not only beneficial for competitors as the principles and concepts still apply to other areas of Jiu Jitsu.

Introduction to Jiu Jitsu

If you are a complete beginner we recommend (though it is not required) that you take advantage of our 30 minute introductory class. During which we will go through basic concepts and safety tips that will give you a solid understanding of what it will be like to attend a group class. Contact us to book your free session.